Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I used to think having a blog was a great way to procrastinate.. until I started procrastinating my blog updates too. I guess I'll just stick to colour coordinating my shelves.

But hey, all that procrastination has paid off! Finally some sort of art! These are a couple of variations on a background from my next film.


Brownie Major said...

Looks great Chun Li, can't wait to see the finished product ;)

Choomus said...

Thanks :) But knowing me.. I hope you actually *can* wait to see the finished product hahaha..

Brownie Major said...

That's right girl, sets your sights high. Be ambitious. That's the way now. Carpe Deim!

Desiree said...

These are beautiful!

Choomus said...

:) more to come soon!