Monday, November 26, 2007


Here are a bunch of sketches I did of Bujar Llapaj (pronouced Boo-yar La-pai if I'm not mistaken) - a man of diminuitive stature but larger-than-life presence. He's one of the conductors of the West Coast Symphony which I joined a few months ago.

He's really not an angry person as the pictures may suggest. He's just more fun to draw that way :D

Back to Life

Wow, November almost slipped by without me posting anything. I'm definitely laying on the slackery here.... nothing like short days and long rainy nights to keep one inspired.

Finally got a chance to attend life drawing again after a hiatus of several months. Here are some of the results.

30 secs. Pitt Oil on Newsprint.

5 min. Pitt Oil on Newsprint.
5 min. Pitt Oil on Newsprint.