Monday, May 10, 2010

2Up Tracks

For those of you wondering what I do for fun besides making coffee, drinking coffee and playing Warcraft, here's part of the answer. A couple of summers ago, I started touring the region with Oliver on his motorcycle.

We documented most of our rides with photographs and satellite tracks via GPS. Over time, we decided to build a website to share our adventures.. so here it is!

While I designed it, Oliver did most of the backend coding for the site, including a nifty autohotkey script that grabs pictures from a folder for a particular ride and generates the page from a template.

Stay tuned, because there will definitely be more rides to come as the weather warms up!


Brownie Major said...

Can't have a girl post a photo gallery without some snapshots of food hahahah.

Sounds like fun.

Choomus said...

Nope, especially if one spends as much time thinking about food as I do :D